10. Data Logging with MQTT, Node-RED, InfluxDB and Grafana

This tutorial will show you how to set up a local data logging application using an MQTT broker, Node-RED, InfluxDB, Grafana, and the Arduino® Portenta X8.


This tutorial will set up a typical Internet of Things (IoT) application: an MQTT data logger. For this application, we are going to use what we call in the Arduino team the "IoT-Quartet", four common building blocks that are popular and regularly used in these types of applications:

These four blocks will be running locally on the Arduino® Portenta X8 board. We will use data from an Arduino® MKR WiFi 1010 board to test the data logging application.


  • Install, configure, and run Mosquitto (MQTT broker) locally in the Portenta X8
  • Install, configure, and run Node-RED locally in the Portenta X8
  • Install, configure, and run InfluxDB locally in the Portenta X8
  • Install, configure, and run Grafana locally in the Portenta X8
  • Send data from an Arduino® MKR WiFi 1010 board to the data logging application running locally in the Portenta X8

Required Hardware and Software

If you are new to the Portenta X8 board, check out this User Manual on controlling your board using a terminal or command-line interface.

IoT Architecture Basics

IoT applications and devices are everywhere nowadays, even in places where we don't realize a device or application is connected to the Internet. Rather than a single technology, IoT is a concept that refers to the connection of everyday devices, just like your watch, to the Internet and how that Internet connection creates more and different ways to interact with your device and your environment. Interactions between humans and devices or applications create data (often in large quantities) that must be communicated and processed.

How can we plan, build and deploy IoT solutions? To answer that question, we must consider IoT architecture. Due to the variety of IoT devices and applications that exist and can be developed, there is no single, unique architecture for IoT devices and applications. However, we can discuss a foundational architecture that can be considered a starting point for any IoT project. This foundational architecture consists of three essential layers: perception (or devices), network, and application. Let's explore these layers in more detail:

  • Perception layer: This is the sensor's layer, where data originates. In this layer, data is gathered by one or more sensor nodes. Actuators, which respond to data collected from sensor nodes, are also part of this layer.
  • Network layer: This layer is responsible for collecting and transmitting data from sensor nodes to back-end services, such as databases. Data transmission can occur through various communication networks like Wi-Fi or cellular networks.
  • Application layer: This layer is what the device or application user sees and interacts with, such as a dashboard. The sensor data is processed and displayed to the end-user in a user-friendly manner through smartphone apps or web interfaces.

These three layers are interconnected to form a complete IoT system. In this tutorial, we are going to take this base architecture and set up a data-logging application, as shown in the image below:

IoT application high-level architecture.
IoT application high-level architecture.

In the high-level architecture described in the image above:

  • The perception layer consists of an MKR WiFi 1010 board; this board will gather information from a sensor.
  • The network layer consists of the MQTT broker (Mosquitto), the data forwarder (Node-RED), and the database (InfluxDB).
  • The application layer consists of a dashboard (Grafana), where information from the sensor node is shown.

For documentation purposes, we will explain, step by step, the installation process of each part of the application (Mosquitto, Node-RED, InfluxDB, and Grafana); this process can be done quickly using a unique Compose


Let's start by configuring the MQTT broker!

Installing Mosquitto

Let's start by creating a new directory in our Portenta X8

directory called
; inside this directory, we are going to make a file named
using the following commands:

1mkdir mqtt
1cd mqtt
1export TERM=xterm
1stty rows 36 cols 150
1sudo vi docker-compose.yml


export TERM=xterm
stty rows 36 cols 150
commands enable VI editor full screen.

Inside the VI editor, copy and paste the following:

2 mqtt:
3 container_name: mosquitto
4 image: eclipse-mosquitto
5 restart: always
6 user: "0:0"
7 ports:
8 - "1883:1883"
9 - "9001:9001"
10 volumes:
11 - /var/rootdirs/home/fio/mqtt/config:/mosquitto/config:rw
12 - /var/rootdirs/home/fio/mqtt/data:/mosquitto/data
13 - /var/rootdirs/home/fio/mqtt/log:/mosquitto/log
15 config:
16 data:
17 log:

is a standard MQTT port; the
port is usually used for TLS-secured MQTT connections.

Save the file and exit the VI editor. Return to the

directory and run the following command:

1docker-compose up -d

The Mosquitto broker should be available on your Portenta X8

IP address
. You can retrieve the
IP Address
of your board with the
ping <hostname>

We should see inside the

directory three folders (
, and
) and the
file we created before. When we launch the Mosquitto container using the
docker-compose up -d
command, the logs will fill with errors about being unable to open the configuration file. To fix this issue, we can download a default configuration file and store it in the newly created

1sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eclipse/mosquitto/master/mosquitto.conf

Let's add the following lines at the end of the


1# Listen on port 1883
2listener 1883
3listener 9001
5# Save the in-memory database to disk
6persistence true
7persistence_location /mosquitto/data/
9# Log to stderr and logfile
10log_dest stderr
11log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log

Save the file and exit the VI editor. Now, let's restart the Mosquitto container so the configuration file can start working. This can be done using the

docker restart
command and the Mosquitto
. To identify the Mosquitto
, run the
docker ps
command and copy the
, as shown in the image below:

Docker container ID.
Docker container ID.

Now, we need to manage password files by adding a user to a new password file. For this, we need to run the

command in the mosquitto container with the mosquitto
found before, as shown below:

1docker exec -it CONTAINER ID sh

Let's dissect that command:

  • docker exec
    runs a command in a running container (in this case, the Mosquitto container)
  • -it CONTAINER ID sh
    attaches a terminal session into the running container so we can see what is going on with the container and interact with it

Now, in the terminal session with the Mosquitto container, run the following command:

1mosquitto_passwd -c /mosquitto/config/mosquitto.passwd guest

This command creates a new password file (

); if the file already exists, it will overwrite;
is the username. After entering the
we want, we must define a password for the username and then exit the terminal session with the
command. Now, let's return to the
directory; you should see now inside this directory the
file. Open the
file and add the following information to it:

1password_file /mosquitto/config/mosquitto.passwd
2allow_anonymous true

The file should see now like this:

1# Password file
2password_file /mosquitto/config/mosquitto.passwd
3allow_anonymous true
5# Listen on port 1883
6listener 1883
7listener 9001
9# Save the in-memory database to disk
10persistence true
11persistence_location /mosquitto/data/
13# Log to stderr and logfile
14log_dest stderr
15log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log

To test it, save the file and exit the VI editor; also, we need to restart the Mosquitto container so the configuration file can start working. This can be done by using the

docker restart
command and the Mosquitto
. After restarting the container, the local Mosquitto broker should be ready.

Testing Mosquitto

To test the Mosquitto broker, we need an MQTT client. We can use several ways to implement an MQTT client, one of the easiest ways is to install an MQTT client in our web browser and use it to test the connection between the local MQTT broker on the Portenta X8 board and the web-based MQTT client. This tutorial will use MQTTBox, a Google Chrome extension that works as an MQTT client.

In MQTTBox, let's start by configuring the settings of the MQTT client. The information we are going to need is the following:

  • MQTT client name: in this example, Portenta X8 MQTT Broker
  • Protocol: mqtt/tcp
  • Username: the one you defined previously in the tutorial
  • Password: the one for the user you defined previously in the tutorial
  • Host: This is your Portenta X8 board IP address

Leave everything else as default and save the settings of the client. If everything is ok, you should see now that the MQTT client connected with the local MQTT broker in our Portenta X8 board. Success! We can now start sending messages to the MQTT broker.

MQTTBox graphical user interface (GUI).
MQTTBox graphical user interface (GUI).

When MQTTBox client connects to the local Mosquitto broker deployed in our Portenta X8 board, a blue "Not Connected" button should change to a green "Connected" button; also, notice that with the MQTTBox client, we are going to publish data to the

topic. Now, let's install Node-RED.

Installing Node-RED

Node-RED is an open-source programming tool that connects hardware with API's and online services. It is a visual tool designed for Internet of Things devices and applications, but it can also be used for other applications. The simplest form to run Node-RED with Docker is by using the following command:

1docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v node_red_data:/data --name mynodered nodered/node-red

This command will run a Node-RED container locally in our Portenta X8 board. Let's dissect the command:

  • -it
    : a terminal session is attached to the container so we can see what is happening with the container
  • -p 1880:1880
    : Node-RED local port
    connects to the exposed internal port
  • v node_red_data:/data
    : a docker named volume called
    is mounted to the container
    directory. This permits any changes to the flow to persist
  • --name mynodered
    : a friendly local name
  • nodered/node-red
    : the image to base it on

After running the command, we should see a running instance of Node-RED in the terminal. The local instance of Node-RED should be ready; let's test it! We can detach the terminal with

; this doesn't stop the container; the container will run in the background.

Testing Node-RED

Let's browse to

; this will open the Node-RED desktop as shown in the image below:

Node-RED graphical user interface (GUI).
Node-RED graphical user interface (GUI).

Node-RED desktop is a GUI that lets us work with Node-RED flows graphically. We can test Node-RED by connecting to the local MQTT broker we set up before using a Node-RED flow. In the

section located in the left part of the browser, search for
and choose the
mqtt in
node and drop it in the workspace; we will use this node to connect to the local MQTT broker of the X8. To change the node's properties, double-click on it and define the following properties:

  • Server:
  • Action:
    Subscribe to the single topic
  • Topic:
  • QoS:
  • Output:
    auto-detect (string or buffer)
  • Name:
    MQTT Broker X8

Now, search for the

node and drop it in the workspace; we will use this node to change the data format from the MQTT broker (string to number). To change the node's properties, double-click on it and define the following properties:

  • Name:
    String to Number
  • Set:
  • To the value:

Now, let's search for the

node and drop it in the workspace; we will use this node to check if Node-RED is getting data from the
topic and if Node-RED is formatting the data correctly. Define the name of the node as
and then connect the nodes as shown in the image below:

Node-RED flow used for testing the Portenta X8 local MQTT broker.
Node-RED flow used for testing the Portenta X8 local MQTT broker.

After connecting the nodes, we must deploy the Node-RED application by selecting the "Deploy" button on the browser's superior right side. We should see a "Successfully deployed" message if everything is ok, as shown in the image below:

Node-RED flow successfully deployed.
Node-RED flow successfully deployed.

Let's use the MQTT client described before to test the MQTT broker integration with Node-RED. Just beneath the "Deploy" button, look for an icon with a bug; Node-RED's debug interface is open by clicking on the bug icon. Now we can start sending messages to the local MQTT broker in the X8 and see them deployed in the debug interface of Node-RED. With the MQTT client, let's subscribe first to the

topic and then publish any value to the topic, as shown in the image below:

Publish data to a topic of the MQTT broker using the MQTTBox client.
Publish data to a topic of the MQTT broker using the MQTTBox client.

We should now see data in the debug interface of Node-RED, as shown in the image below:

Debug interface of Node-RED showing data from the MQTT broker.
Debug interface of Node-RED showing data from the MQTT broker.

We can now proceed to configure InfluxDB.

Installing InfluxDB

InfluxDB is an open-source, high-performance, time series database; with InfluxDB data can be written and read in real-time, and data can be processed in the background for extract, transform, and load (ETL) purposes or for monitoring and alerting purposes. User dashboards for visualizing and exploring data can also be set up.

The simplest form to run InfluxDB with Docker is by using the following command:

1docker run --detach --name influxdb -p 8086:8086 influxdb:2.2.0

This command will run an InfluxDB container locally in our Portenta X8 board. Let's dissect the command:

  • --detach
    : no terminal session is attached to the container
  • --name
    : the container name
  • -p 1880:1880
    : InfluxDB local port
    connects to the exposed internal port

The container should now be running in the background; let's test the local instance of InfluxDB!

Testing InfluxDB

For testing the local instance of InfluxDB we are going to use its desktop and also Node-RED. Let's browse to

; this will open the InfluxDB desktop as shown in the image below:

Sign in page of the InfluxDB desktop.
Sign in page of the InfluxDB desktop.

InfluxDB desktop is a GUI that lets us work with InfluxDB graphically.

The first time you enter the InfluxDB desktop, a username, and a password must be set up.

After setting up a username and a password, we are going to be redirected to the "Getting Started" page, as shown in the image below:

Getting started page of the InfluxDB desktop.
Getting started page of the InfluxDB desktop.

In this example, we will send data from the MQTT broker to InfluxDB using Node-RED; Node-RED will act as a bridge between the MQTT broker and InfluxDB. Let's go to "Data" we are going to be redirected to the "Load Data" page, as shown in the image below:

Load data page of the InfluxDB desktop.
Load data page of the InfluxDB desktop.

Select "Buckets" and click on the "Create Bucket" button. This will create a new database where data from the MQTT broker will be saved. For this example, let's create a new bucket called

; now, we should see the bucket on the InfluxDB desktop:

Test bucket in the load data page of the InfluxDB desktop.
Test bucket in the load data page of the InfluxDB desktop.

InfluxDB is now ready to receive data; let's send it using an MQTT client and Node-RED. We must first set up Node-RED by installing custom InfluxDB nodes; click on the menu icon on the top right corner of the browser, then click on the "Manage palette" option. This will open a tab where we can see all the palettes/nodes installed in the Node-RED instance running on our X8 board. Click on the "Install" option and search for "InfluxDB"; install the nodes from InfluxDB. Now we should see the InfluxDB nodes installed in our Node-RED instance, as shown in the image below:

Nodes installed in the Node-RED instance.
Nodes installed in the Node-RED instance.

Now, search for the

influxdb out
node and drop it in the workspace; we will use this node to send information from the MQTT client to the
bucket on InfluxDB. To change the node's properties, double-click on it and define the following properties:

  • Name:
    InfluxDB Bucket
  • Organization: Your organization name is defined in InfluxDB
  • Bucket:
  • Measurement:
    (the name of the measurement you want to record)
  • Time Precision: Milliseconds (ms)

In the Server option, define the following properties:

  • Name:
    Portenta X8
  • Version:
  • URL:
  • Token: the one provided by InfluxDB

Now, connect the nodes as shown in the image below:

Node-RED flow used for testing the Portenta X8 local InfluxDB instance.
Node-RED flow used for testing the Portenta X8 local InfluxDB instance.

Let's use the MQTT client described before to test the MQTT broker integration with Node-RED and InfluxDB. Remember to first deploy the flow in Node-RED and subscribe to the

topic and publish any value in the MQTT client. Now, go to Data Explorer on the InfluxDB desktop; you should now see data from the MQTT client, as shown in the image below:

Visualiazing data in a bucket of the Portenta X8 local InfluxDB instance.
Visualiazing data in a bucket of the Portenta X8 local InfluxDB instance.

We can now proceed to configure Grafana.

Installing Grafana

Grafana is an open-source, multi-platform data analytics and interactive data visualization solution. Grafana can connect with basically every possible data source, such as InfluxDB.

The simplest form to run Grafana with Docker is by using the following command:

1docker run -d --name=grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana

This command will run a Grafana container locally in our Portenta X8 board. Let's dissect the command:

  • -d
    : no terminal session is attached to the container
  • --name
    : the container name
  • -p 3000:3000
    : Grafana local port
    connects to the exposed internal port

The container should now be running in the background; let's test the local instance of Grafana!

Testing Grafana

Before we can visualize data in Grafana, we must add a data source; we will add the InfluxDB bucket we created before as a data source. Select the cog icon on the side menu and then click on "Data Sources":

Adding data sources to Grafana via its GUI.
Adding data sources to Grafana via its GUI.

On the "Data Sources" page, select InfluxDB; this will take you to a configuration page:

Adding data sources to Grafana via its GUI.
Adding data sources to Grafana via its GUI.

In the configuration page, enter the following information related to the data bucket we created before on InfluxDB:

  • Name:
    Test Bucket
  • Query Language: Flux
  • URL:
  • User: Your defined username in InfluxDB
  • Password: Your defined username password in InfluxDB
  • Organization: Your defined organization name in InfluxDB
  • Token: the one provided by InfluxDB

Leave the rest of the options as default. Click on the "Save & Test" button; we should see two green messages in the Grafana GUI telling us that the data source was configured correctly, as shown in the image below:

Setting up data sources in Grafana via its GUI.
Setting up data sources in Grafana via its GUI.

Now, let's go to the InfluxDB desktop. Go to "Data" and select the test bucket we created before; in the bucket data explorer, in the query editor, select the

bucket, then in
select counter, in
select value, and
select last as shown in the image below:

Setting up a query in the data explorer of the InfluxDB desktop.
Setting up a query in the data explorer of the InfluxDB desktop.

Now, click on "Script Editor" and copy the generated script by InfluxDB; we are going to use this script in Grafana to retrieve information from the

bucket, as shown in the image below:

Setting up a query in the data explorer of the InfluxDB desktop.
Setting up a query in the data explorer of the InfluxDB desktop.

Now, in the Grafana GUI, create a new dashboard and add a new panel; in the configuration page, select as "Data source" the bucket we configured before,

Test Bucket

Setting up a dashboard in Grafana via its GUI.
Setting up a dashboard in Grafana via its GUI.

In the "Query inspector," paste the script we generated before with InfluxDB. You should now see data from the tests made earlier with the MQTT client:

Setting up data visualization in a Grafana dashboard via its GUI.
Setting up data visualization in a Grafana dashboard via its GUI.

Let's change how data is visualized. Select "Visualizations" and then search for "Gauge" and select it. Now we should visualize data as a gauge in Grafana:

Visualizing data with a gauge in a Grafana dashboard.
Visualizing data with a gauge in a Grafana dashboard.

We can change the panel options, such as their title and description. Click on apply; we can now use the MQTT client described before to test the MQTT broker integration with Node-RED, InfluxDB, and Grafana. Remember first to deploy the flow in Node-RED, subscribe to the test topic, and publish any value in the MQTT client. Also, remember to change the dashboard time range and its refresh rate.

Configured dashboard in Grafana.
Configured dashboard in Grafana.

Sending Data Using the MKR WiFi 1010 Board

Now, it is time to test our entire data-logging application. We will use an MKR WiFi 1010; this board will periodically send the value of a counter to the Grafana dashboard via the local MQTT broker deployed in the X8.

First, let's ensure we have the required core for the MKR WiFi 1010 installed, the Arduino SAMD boards (32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0+). Please, refer to this guide if you are not familiar with the installation of additional cores in the Arduino IDE. We also need to install the libraries we will use to send data from the MKR WiFi 1010 board to the data logging application via MQTT. Go to Tools > Manage libraries..., search for ArduinoMqttClient and WiFiNINA, and install the latest available version of both libraries.

Now, let's open a new sketch and create a new header file called

in a separate tab; to create a separate tab in the Arduino IDE, click the arrow symbol underneath the Serial Monitor symbol, then click on the "New tab" option. In this header file, we are going to store our Wi-Fi® credentials:

1#define SECRET_SSID "your-ssid"
2#define SECRET_PASS "your-password"

Now, let's program the following sketch in the MKR WiFi 1010 board:

1#include <ArduinoMqttClient.h>
2#include <WiFiNINA.h>
3#include "arduino_secrets.h"
5// Wi-Fi® information
6char ssid[] = SECRET_SSID; // Your network SSID, stored in the arduino_secrets.h file
7char pass[] = SECRET_PASS; // Your network password, stored in the arduino_secrets.h file
8WiFiClient wifiClient;
9MqttClient mqttClient(wifiClient);
11// MQTT broker information
13const char broker[] = "your-portenta-ip";
14int port = 1883;
15const char topic[] = "test";
17// Interval for sending messages (in milliseconds) to the MQTT broker
18const long interval = 5000;
19unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
21// Data to send to the MQTT broker
22int count = 0;
24void setup() {
25 Serial.begin(9600);
26 while (!Serial) {
27 ; // Wait for serial port to connect, needed for native USB port only
28 }
30 // Attempt to connect to the defined Wi-Fi® network
31 Serial.print("- Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: ");
32 Serial.println(ssid);
34 while (WiFi.begin(ssid, pass) != WL_CONNECTED) {
35 // Connection attempt failed, retry again
36 Serial.print(".");
37 delay(5000);
38 }
40 Serial.println("- You're connected to the network!");
41 Serial.println();
43 // Attempt to connect to the defined Wi-Fi® network
44 Serial.print("- Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker: ");
45 Serial.println(broker);
47 // Connection attempt to the MQTT broker failed
48 if (!mqttClient.connect(broker, port)) {
49 Serial.println("- MQTT connection failed!");
50 Serial.print("- Error code: ");
51 Serial.println(mqttClient.connectError());
53 while (1);
54 }
56 Serial.println("- You're connected to the MQTT broker!");
57 Serial.println();
60void loop() {
61 // Keep the board connected to the MQTT broker
62 mqttClient.poll();
64 unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
66 if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
67 // Send the gathered data to an specific topic of the MQTT broker
68 previousMillis = currentMillis;
69 Serial.print("- Sending message to topic: ");
70 Serial.println(topic);
71 Serial.print("- ");
72 Serial.println(count);
73 mqttClient.beginMessage(topic);
74 mqttClient.print(count);
75 mqttClient.endMessage();
76 Serial.println();
78 // Update data value
79 count++;
80 }

The sketch shown above connects the MKR WiFi 1010 to the local MQTT broker of the X8 and periodically sends the value of a counter to the topic


Please read this tutorial for more in-depth information about MQTT and the MKR WiFi 1010 board.

If everything is ok, we should see the following in the Serial monitor of the Arduino IDE :

Debug messages in the Arduino IDE 2 Serial Monitor.
Debug messages in the Arduino IDE 2 Serial Monitor.

Check out now the Grafana dashboard we configured earlier; we should see data coming from the MKR WiFi 1010 board.


In this tutorial, we went through the installation, configuration, and testing of four standard building blocks of Internet-connected data-logging devices and applications. Such blocks are an MQTT broker (Mosquitto), Node-RED, InfluxDB, and Grafana. All this runs locally in the Portenta X8 board and can process data sent from an MKR WiFi 1010 board for a complete data-logging application. With this, we can further scale up your IoT development within a single Portenta X8 of the size of the palm of your hand.

Next Steps

  • What about controlling your house or office and making it domotic?
  • Do you have a sensor network that needs to be connected to the Internet to visualize sensor information?

You can use a Portenta X8 board and the IoT-Quartet tutorial for developing this and more projects.

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