9. Component Examples

Ready to use code & circuit examples for popular components such as Neopixel, DHT11 & Servo motor.

In this final chapter of the MicroPython 101 course, you will find code & circuit examples for popular components, such as motors, displays and sensors. These components can be combined to make fun projects, and works out of the box with the Nano ESP32 & MicroPython.

External modules used in this chapter are third party and has not been developed by the Arduino team. Credit is due to the developers of these modules.

Module Installation

Many of these modules are not included in your MicroPython installation, but don't worry, installing them are very easy and require no additional software!

To install an external module, use the script below. Inside the script, the

variable needs to be replaced with a valid URL that leads to a module. The URL can look like the following:

Make sure to add your own Wi-Fi® network & password to the


2This script first connects to Wi-Fi,
3then installs the module specified
4in the URL variable.
7import network
8import mip
12URL = "github.com/example"
14wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
19print("Connected to ",WIFI_NETWORK)

Running this script will install the module on your board, inside a folder called

. You can check this out under "Files" while your board is connected via your MicroPython editor.

How to install modules are explained in more detail in the Introduction to MicroPython chapter.

Removing Modules

If you install too many modules, you will run out of space. You can remove a module directly in the editor, by selecting the file and clicking on the "Delete" icon.

For more detailed instructions, see the Removing Modules section in the second chapter.


This example shows how to use a pushbutton with MicroPython. Connect the button as shown below. Even though the Grove cable has four cables we only need three (Power, GND, Signal).

Button Circuit
Button Circuit

To use this component, copy the script script below into your

file, and run it by clicking the "Run" button.

1# Import the Pin class from the machine module
2from machine import Pin
3# Import the sleep function from the time module
4from time import sleep
6# Create a Pin object for pin 5 as an input with a pull-up resistor
7button = Pin(9, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
9# Start an infinite loop
10while True:
11 # Read the current state of the button
12 button_state = button.value()
13 # Check if the button state is LOW (0)
14 if button_state == 0:
15 # If the button is not pressed, print a message
16 print("Button not pressed")
17 else:
18 # If the button is pressed, print a message
19 print("Button pressed")
20 # Pause the program for 0.5 seconds
21 sleep(0.5)

Now whenever you press the button you should see

Button pressed
being printed in the REPL.


This example shows how to create the classic blink example using MicroPython and a Grove LED.

LED Circuit
LED Circuit

To use this component, copy the script script below into your

file, and run it by clicking the "Run" button.

1# Import the Pin class from the machine module
2from machine import Pin
3# Import the sleep function from the time module
4from time import sleep
6# Create a Pin object for pin 5 as an output
7led = Pin(9, Pin.OUT)
9# Start an infinite loop
10while True:
11 # Turn on the LED
12 led.on()
13 # Pause the program for 1 second
14 sleep(1)
15 # Turn off the LED
16 led.off()
17 # Pause the program for 1 second
18 sleep(1)

You should now see the led blinking. Change the code to make it speed up or slow down.


This code controls a servo motor connected to Pin 5 (D2) using PWM. As with any motor if the current is being drawn due to the motor needing too much power the board resets.

You should always use an external power supply when powering a servo. Servo motor consume very high amounts of current when initiated, which can reset your board or damage it.

Servo Motor Circuit
Servo Motor Circuit

To use this component, copy the script script below into your

file, and run it by clicking the "Run" button.

1# Import the Pin and PWM classes from the machine module
2from machine import Pin, PWM
3# Import the time module
4import time
6# Create a PWM object named 'servo' on pin 5 configured as an output
7servo = PWM(Pin(9, mode=Pin.OUT))
8# Set the frequency of the PWM signal to 50Hz
11# Start an infinite loop
12while True:
13 # Set the duty cycle of the PWM signal to 26 (position 1 of the servo)
14 servo.duty(26)
15 # Pause the program for 1 second
16 time.sleep(1)
17 # Set the duty cycle of the PWM signal to 123 (position 2 of the servo)
18 servo.duty(123)
19 # Pause the program for 1 second
20 time.sleep(1)

You should now see the servo moving back and forth in an endless loop.


This example shows how to use a NeoPixel strip with 10 RGB LEDs. Although we are addressing 10 LEDs at once we luckily still only need one signal pin making our setup super easy. Connect the RGB strip as seen in the circuit below, copy the code to

and press play.

NeoPixel Circuit
NeoPixel Circuit

To use this component, copy the script script below into your

file, and run it by clicking the "Run" button.

1# Import the Pin class from the machine module
2from machine import Pin
3# Import the sleep class from the time module
4from time import sleep
5#Import the neopixel module
6import neopixel
8# Set the number of pixel on the RGB strip
10# Create a NeoPixel object with 24 pixels connected to pin 21
11np = neopixel.NeoPixel(Pin(9), PIXEL_NUMBER)
13# Define colors
14purple = (200, 0, 200)
15black = (0, 0, 0)
17# Fill the entire strip with black color (turn off all pixels)
19# Update the NeoPixel strip to reflect the changes
22# Function for turning on all pixels on after the other
23def ringUp():
24 #loop through all pixels
25 for i in range(0, PIXEL_NUMBER):
26 # Set the i-th pixel to purple color
27 np[i] = purple
28 # Update the NeoPixel strip to reflect the changes
29 np.write()
30 # Pause for 0.1 seconds
31 sleep(0.1)
33# Function for turning on all pixels off after the other
34def ringDown():
35 for i in range(0, PIXEL_NUMBER):
36 np[i] = black
37 np.write()
38 sleep(0.1)
40# Function for turning on all pixels off
41def ringOff():
42 for i in range(0, PIXEL_NUMBER):
43 np[i] = black
44 np.write()
46# Function looping through ringUp() and ringDown()
47def runPixelRun():
48 while(1):
49 ringUp()
50 ringDown()
52# Start running the pixel animation

You should now see a the LED RGB strip fade in and out.


This example shows how to use a DHT11 with an Arduino Nano ESP32. DHT sensors are temperature and humidity sensors and make use of the built-in


DHT11 Circuit
DHT11 Circuit

To use this component, copy the script script below into your

file, and run it by clicking the "Run" button.

1#import dht module
2import dht
3#import Pin class from machine module
4from machine import Pin
5# Import sleep_ms class from time module
6from time import sleep_ms
8# Define sensor pin
11# Create a DHT11 object with the specified pin number
13# Pause for 500 milliseconds to allow the sensor to stabilize
16# Loop indefinitely
18 # Trigger a measurement from the DHT11 sensor
19 TEMP_SENSOR.measure()
20 # Print the measured temperature
21 print("Temperature:",TEMP_SENSOR.temperature())
22 print("Humidity:",TEMP_SENSOR.humidity())
23 # Pause for 1 second before taking the next measurement
24 sleep_ms(1000)

You should now see the temperature and humidity printed in the REPL, every second.

OLED Screen

This example demonstrates how to use an OLED screen via I2C.

OLED Circuit
OLED Circuit

This module is not part of the MicroPython installation, and needs to be installed via the following command:

1import mip

Once installed, you can run the script below, by clicking the "Run" button.

If you are using a different OLED screen make sure to adjust the screen size in the code to display the content properly.

1# Import the Pin class and SoftI2C class (for using I2C) form the machine module
2from machine import SoftI2C, Pin
3# Import Oled module
4import ssd1306
5# Import the sleep_ms class from the time module
6from time import sleep_ms
8# Set the display width to 128 pixels
10# Set the display height to 64 pixels
13class Point():
14 def __init__(self, x, y):
15 # Initialize the x-coordinate of the point
16 self.x = x
17 # Initialize the y-coordinate of the point
18 self.y = y
20# Create a Point object with initial coordinates (64, 32)
21old_coords = Point(64, 32)
22# Create a Point object with initial coordinates (64, 32)
23new_coords = Point(64, 32)
25# Create a SoftI2C object for I2C communication with the specified pins and frequency
26i2cbus = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(12), sda=Pin(11), freq=100000)
29# Create an SSD1306 OLED object with the specified width, height, and I2C bus
30oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, i2cbus)
31# oled.fill(0)
34# Display the text "Hello" at the specified coordinates
35oled.text('Arduino', 40, 12)
37# Display the text "World" at the specified coordinates
38oled.text('MicroPython', 23, 45)
40# Update the OLED display to reflect the changes

You should now see

Hello World
printed on the screen.

OLED screen output
OLED screen output


This example shows how to use a Grove Buzzer. Following the same principle connect the button as shown in the circuit below.

Buzzer Circuit
Buzzer Circuit

To use this component, copy the script script below into your

file, and run it by clicking the "Run" button.

1from machine import Pin, PWM
2import time
4# Pin connected to the Grove Speaker
7# Frequency and duration of the sound
8FREQUENCY = 220 # Hz
9DURATION = 2 # seconds
11# Create a controllable Pin for the speaker
12speaker = PWM(Pin(SPEAKER_PIN))
14# Function to play a sound
15def play_sound(frequency, duration):
16 speaker.freq(frequency)
17 speaker.duty(512)
18 time.sleep(duration)
19 speaker.duty(0)
21# Play the sound

Now your buzzer should be making a buzzing sound. You can now change the code and play with the intensity and duration.


This example shows how to use a Grove Accelerometer using I2C. This particular sensor can measure acceleration and its position in space. Because it's using I2C it needs all four wires as shown in the circuit below.


This module is not part of the MicroPython installation, and needs to be installed via the following command:

1import mip

Once installed, you can run the script below, by clicking the "Run" button.

1# Import lis3dh, time, and math classes
2import lis3dh, time, math
3# Import Pin and SoftI2C class from the machine module
4from machine import Pin, SoftI2C
6i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(12), sda=Pin(11)) # I2C
7imu = lis3dh.LIS3DH_I2C(i2c, address=0x19)
9last_convert_time = 0
10convert_interval = 100 #ms
11pitch = 0
12roll = 0
15# Convert acceleration to Pitch and Roll
16def convert_accell_rotation( vec ):
17 x_Buff = vec[0] # x
18 y_Buff = vec[1] # y
19 z_Buff = vec[2] # z
21 global last_convert_time, convert_interval, roll, pitch
23 # We only want to re-process the values every 100 ms
24 if last_convert_time < time.ticks_ms():
25 last_convert_time = time.ticks_ms() + convert_interval
27 roll = math.atan2(y_Buff , z_Buff) * 57.3
28 pitch = math.atan2((- x_Buff) , math.sqrt(y_Buff * y_Buff + z_Buff * z_Buff)) * 57.3
30 # Return the current values in roll and pitch
31 return ( roll, pitch )
33# If we have found the LIS3DH
34if imu.device_check():
35 # Set range of accelerometer (can be RANGE_2_G, RANGE_4_G, RANGE_8_G or RANGE_16_G).
36 imu.range = lis3dh.RANGE_2_G
38 # Loop forever printing values
39 while True:
40 # Read accelerometer values (in m / s ^ 2). Returns a 3-tuple of x, y,
41 # z axis values. Divide them by 9.806 to convert to Gs.
42 x, y, z = [value / lis3dh.STANDARD_GRAVITY for value in imu.acceleration]
43 print("x = %0.3f G, y = %0.3f G, z = %0.3f G" % (x, y, z))
45 # Convert acceleration to Pitch and Roll and print values
46 p, r = convert_accell_rotation( imu.acceleration )
47 print("pitch = %0.2f, roll = %0.2f" % (p,r))
49 # Small delay to keep things responsive but give time for interrupt processing.
50 time.sleep(0.1)

Move around your sensor to see the numbers in the REPL change. This is the acceleration data recorded. This data can be used to trigger specific things whenever a specific movements is initialized.

Sound Sensor

This example shows how to use a sound sensor. This is a simple microphone that provides an analog output signal.

Sound Sensor Circuit
Sound Sensor Circuit

To use this component, copy the script script below into your

file, and run it by clicking the "Run" button.

1# Import Pin and ADC class from the machine module
2from machine import Pin, ADC
3# Import the time module
4import time
6# Create an ADC object and associate it with pin 5
7pin_adc = ADC(Pin(9))
8# Set the attenuation level to 11dB, which allows for a wider input voltage range
11while True:
12 sum_value = 0
14 for i in range(32):
15 # Read the ADC value and add it to the sum
16 sum_value += pin_adc.read()
18 # Right shift the sum by 5 bits (equivalent to dividing by 32) to get the average value
19 sum_value >>= 5
21 # Print the average value
22 print(sum_value)
23 # Pause for 100 milliseconds
24 time.sleep_ms(100)

After running the script, test it out by clapping your hands or making other loud noises next to the sensor. You should see the output change in the REPL.

4 Digit Display

This example shows how to use a Grove 4-digit display.

4 digit displays are very basic types of displays that are often seen in alarm clocks as they can display any number between 0-9. This sensors also uses I2C which is why we need all four wires as shown below.

4 Digit Display Circuit
4 Digit Display Circuit

This module is not part of the MicroPython installation, and needs to be installed via the following command:

1import mip

Once installed, you can run the script below, by clicking the "Run" button.

1from machine import Pin
2from time import sleep
3import tm1637
5tm = tm1637.TM1637(clk=Pin(12), dio=Pin(11))
7tm.write([63, 191, 63, 63]) # Write a specific pattern of segments to the TM1637 display
10tm.numbers(17, 23) # Display the numbers 17 and 23 on the TM1637 display
12tm.show('abcd') # Display the characters 'abcd' on the TM1637 display
14tm.show('bcde') # Display the characters 'bcde' on the TM1637 display
16tm.show('cdef') # Display the characters 'cdef' on the TM1637 display
19tm.temperature(20) # Display the temperature value 20 on the TM1637 display

You should now see the display showing different numbers, where the final frame is a simulated temperature value (20).

4 digit display
4 digit display

Moisture Sensor

This example shows how to use a moisture sensor.

This sensor is used to measure moisture by measuring the resistance between the two probes. Dry soil has less conductivity than wet soil and the difference in resistance and the resulting drop/increase in voltage can be measured by the Arduino.

Moisture Sensor Circuit
Moisture Sensor Circuit

To use this component, copy the script script below into your

file, and run it by clicking the "Run" button.

1# Import machine module
2import machine
3# Import time module
4import time
6# Define sensor pin
7adc_pin = machine.Pin(4)
8# Create ADC object and associate it with sensor pin
9adc = machine.ADC(adc_pin)
11#function mapping sensor values from 0 to 100.
12def map_value(value, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
13 return (value - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
15# Infinite loop
16while True:
17 # Read sensor values
18 reading = adc.read_u16()
19 # Map sensor readings from 0 - 100 for improved user experience
20 mapped_reading = map_value(reading, 0, 65535, 0, 100)
21 # Print values in REPL
22 print("Moisture: ", reading, " Mapped Moisture: ", mapped_reading)
23 # Add short sleep timer for improved readability
24 time.sleep_ms(500)

After running the script, you should see the values from the moisture sensor printed in the REPl.

Suggest changes

The content on docs.arduino.cc is facilitated through a public GitHub repository. If you see anything wrong, you can edit this page here.


The Arduino documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 license.